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Food Labeling Errors That Could Cost You Your Business

Food Labeling Errors That Could Cost You Your Business

Designing a successful label for your food product not only involves a quality design but also including all the proper information. There are many vital details on product labels that manufacturers have failed to include, landing them in hot water with the FDA. This damages the company’s reputation, leading many of them to failure. Learn about food labeling errors that could cost you your business by reading below.

Failing To Disclose Allergens

The FDA has strict regulations that all food producers must include any allergens in their product on the label for all consumers to view. Unfortunately, this happens all too often, as a majority of FDA food recalls are due to undeclared allergens. Failure to disclose an allergen is an offense that could destroy the consumer’s trust with a company—enough to ruin them completely. Avoid this by making sure to have a complete ingredients list and identifying any of the big eight allergens in a clear statement.

Making Unauthorized Health Claims

A health claim refers to a claim made by aa company that their food product provides a specific health benefit. Any claims of this nature must be tested and authorized by the FDA. It’s ultimately illegal to make any claims of this nature on a product label or any marketing materials. The FDA has actually only ever approved of twelve claims, making this very rare. At the very least, making an unauthorized health claim will get you into serious legal issues that your company may not come back from.

Not Including a Proper Statement of Identity

Of the food labeling errors that could cost you your business, this one can be tricky. It’s expected that all food packaging labels should declare exactly what the product is. Aside form the brand name, you have to state what the food is. For instance, if your product is a cheese, then it would state that it’s a cheese. However, certain products like this could be declared misleading to the consumer. If it’s processed from cheese and other ingredients mixed with emulsifiers, it must be declared a “cheese product” because it’s not just one straight type of cheese.

Failing To Identify Any Ingredients

Is that certain ingredient an allergen or not? Always know what ingredients are what. Under no circumstances must you mislabel or misdirect consumers buying your product into thinking an ingredient is really something else. It’s a serious violation many food manufacturers have committed many times in the past. This leads to public outrage and distrust. Mislabeling an ingredient is lying to the consumer, which is never okay. Work with only trustworthy suppliers and verify that they’re selling you trusted ingredients.

To ensure you produce the best quality product label, visit Texas Label Printers. Here you can find a continuous roll label printer among other industrial label printers from brands that offer the highest-quality machinery available.